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draw 3d objects in illustrator


There are many means to create 3D objects in Illustrator:

Create a 3D Objects Using 2D Shapes with Gradient Fill

Offset, we volition convert a simple filled circle to go far look more spherical like a ball.

  1. Using the Ellipse tool, concord down the SHIFT key and create a perfect circle with a fill only no stroke.
  2. Add together a two-colour radial gradient of whatsoever colour to a blackness color. Position the gradient with the slope annotation tool.

Next, let's create a simple transparent solid cylinder using simple 2D shapes

  1. Using the rectangle tool, click without dragging to create a rectangle that is iii times as tall as it is wide (i.e., 100W ten 300H).
  2. Add a two-color linear gradient from left-to-right of the same colour but different tint.
  3. Using the Ellipse tool, click without dragging to create a 300 px oval and position it at the lesser of the rectangle with the middle point at the heart point of the base of the rectangle.
    Note: Is should have the same gradient applied to it automatically as the rectangle because Adobe Illustrator remembers the terminal slope y'all applied.
  4. Concur down the ALT click and drag the the oval to the elevation of the rectangle and then immediately press the SHIFT key to constraint is motion vertically and centre it with the center of the rectangle elevation line.

At present, let'southward convert this transparent cylinder to a solid cylinder:

  1. Select the bottom oval and the rectangle and select the Unite option in the PathFinder panel and press the Aggrandize button to convert the shapes into one shape with a stroke on the tool half of the oval.

Next, allow's catechumen the solid cylinder to a hollow cylinder:

  1. Select the top oval and copy it and and so select Edit > Paste In Front which volition paste the selected oval in the same identify (similar to Paste In Place in Wink).
  2. With the copied oval withal selected, agree down the SHIFT and then the ALT keys to scale the oval proportionally and from the center and then elevate slightly to reduce the oval size.
    Note: It is important to agree downwards the SHIFT key FIRST to constrain the object and then hold down the ALT primal to "pin" the object to its middle point. If you had held down the ALT central first you would indistinguishable the object.
  3. With the reduced oval withal selected, change the angle to -ninety in the Slope panel and then the slope volition exist rotated from top-to-lesser instead of left-to-right.
  4. (Optional) Remove all of the stokes.
  5. (Optional) Using the Gradient panel, explore changing the bending or reversing the management of the creating on the superlative oval.

Bonus: Create 3D Text

  1. Using the text tool, create some big bold text on the sail and convert it to an outline.
  2. Using the Gradient tool, apply a gradient (black and white for starter is fine)
  3. Using the Rectangle tool, create a rectangle over the text with the same gradient applied and send it to dorsum of the text.
  4. In the Gradient panel, change the angle of the rectangle to 90 degrees so select the text and set its angle to -90 degrees.
  5. Employ the ALT primal and click and drag a copy of the text and offset it slightly and change its angle to 90 degrees.

Bonus: Create 3D Text with Pace and echo

  1. Click ALT and drag a re-create of the gradient text.
  2. Select Edit > Re-create and and so Edit Paste In Dorsum.
  3. With the text object in the back still selected, press the up arrow key twice and the left arrow key twice.
  4. Click CTRL+D repeatily to create the 3D effect.  The number of times you lot practice this step will determine the "depth" of the text object.

Bonus: Create a 3D Circular Button

  1. Perform similar steps as creating a 3D text merely but with two round rectangles.

Create a 3D Object Using Blending and Shapes

  1. Create an object using any vector drawing tool and give the object a fill (we used cherry-red) and a stroke (unremarkably black)
  2. Duplicate the object you just created and:
    1. delete its stroke
    2. change its make full colour
    3. calibration it down
    4. place information technology beneath original object
  3. Double-click on the blend tool and select Specified Stps as the Spacing option and the number of steps to about 100 or so.
  4. Ensure the object with the stroke is in front of other object (i.e., Arrange > Bring to Front)
  5. Select both objects (CTRL+A) and so select Object > Blend > Make from the main menu.
  6. (Optional) Use the Direct Selection tool to carefully select the back of the 3D object (letters, in our case) that and so select the Selection to to motility it somewhere else to change the 3D perspective.
    NOTE: It is of import to remember the blend style is based on the stacking order.  So if you are trying to create a 3D event from a type shape, make sure the main text object is on top.

Create a 3D Object Using Blending and Lines

  1. Create an object using any

There are three effects (Rotate, Revolve and Extrude & Bevel) under the Upshot > 3D menu that allows you to create 3D objects. Withal, you create the initial second shape using various vector tools.
Caution: Once you create a 3D object and you lot want to edit information technology again afterwards endmost the 3D dialog box, don't select Consequence > 3D > .... again from the chief card. Instead, to get back to the 3D dialog box, you demand to employ the Advent Console to make further changes.

Existent 3D Effects USING THE THE Event MENU

You can create 3D objects from 2D objects using a diverseness of techniques (Extrude & Bevel, Rovolve and Rotate).  And so you can practical additional options including rotation, texture, lighting, and map artwork  (symbols) on the faces of the object.

Create a 3D Object with Revolve Effect

Whatever object that has a "round" base of operations, yous can utilise the circumduct outcome.

Create 3D object with Blob tool

In this case, we will create a basin:

  1. Using the web log tool, create a shape in the form of a capital "J" shape with a medium size brush stroke with a grey color fill but no stroke.
  2. Select Consequence > 3D > Revolve... from the primary menu and click on the preview button to see the result. Change properties (position, lighting, etc.) as needed and then click OK.
  3. Use the Direct Selectiontool to scale or reshape shape, if necessary, to brand it look more similar a bowl.

Create 3D object with Ellipse Tool

In this example, we will create some apples and apply a clipping mask to "place" them in the bowl nosotros but created:

  1. To create a 3D apple, draw an upright oval shape (like an egg standing on its finish) and then select Effect > 3D > Circumduct... from the main menu and click on the preview push to come across the result. Modify properties as needed then click OK.
  2. Duplicate (ALT+click on the apple tree and drag) the apple several times and alter the color of each apple to have a unlike tint of greens or reds and and then move them over the elevation of the bowl. If necessary, select Adjust > Ship to Bacg or Forepart to position the apples accordingly.
  3. Draw another oval over the top of the apples with no fill then that you can "see" the apples inside the oval.  Position this oval over the opening of the bowl.
  4. Select the oval you just created and all of the apples and then select Object > Clipping Mask > Brand  to hibernate the bottom "edges" of the apples so they appear to be in the basin and not on summit of information technology.
    TIP: Information technology is best to select everything get-go and and then SHIFT+click the bowl's vector to select the Mask and all of the apples ealier.
  5. If necessary, use the Straight Choice tool to move ballast points on either side of the Mask to adjust it to fit the lip of the basin. (ADD Flick)

Create 3D Object with Pen Tool

In this case, we volition create a wine glass:

  1. With the pen tool draw half of a wine drinking glass contour with a stroke only (Meet beneath).
  2. Select Event > 3D > Revolve... from the main menu and set properties as needed and click OK.
    TIP: Follow the guidlines beneath for thickness and fill. Note: The objects below have a 180° view so you can "see" the effects better.
    i. The size of the stroke dictate the "thickness" of the object "skin."
    ii. How y'all depict the object will dictate how information technology appears. For example, if you depict a single path you will get a solid object's peel and if you depict a double path, yous will get a "hollow" object'southward pare.
    3. The make full color volition dictate how the object get "fill." However, you have to exist careful how the object's path is drawn or you may get an undesired result.

    NOTE: The way the fill colour works with a 3D object is that it will attempt to "fill up" an enclosed shape. If it does not find an enclosed shape, it will fill from the "opening" of that shape to the the other side whether it is opened or closed.
    TIP: To create a double-stroke on an object, you lot tin can select the object and then select Object > Path > Offset Path... from the menu and specify a showtime value (i.e., 5 pixel) and click the preview checkbox to see effect. It is of import to annotation that when you lot apply this command you create a seperate object that you may want to delete.

Notation: To add a "liquid fill up" to an object, you lot could follow the procedures beneath:

Create 3D Object with PathFinder Tool (Alternative to those who are not proficient with pen tool)

In this example, nosotros will create a wine drinking glass:

  1. For those who may not be practiced in using the pen tool, create a series of boxes that represent half of a wine bottle. (Add Image)
  2. Use the PathFinder tool and combine the shapes into one shape.
  3. Delete left side of object  by using the pair of scissors tool.
  4. Use the Convert Ballast Bespeak Tool to convert corner points to curve points to "pull out" curve from the "edges" of the boxes (See below).
  5. If necessary, use the Straight Option Tools to move points to correct shape of path.
  6. Select Outcome > 3D > Revolve... from the main carte and set backdrop as needed and click OK.
  7. (Optional) To modify the color of the canteen, simply change the stroke color.

Create a 3D Object with Extrude and Bevel Upshot

Whatsoever object that you would like to give "depth" to, you can utilise the extrude and bevel effect.

Create 3D object with Pen tool and Extrude and Bevel Consequence

In this instance, we will create slices of bread.

  1. Using the pen tool to draw a complete profile of a piece of bread with a chocolate-brown stroke and a lite yellow fill.
  2. Select Result > 3D > Extrude and Bevel and click on the preview checkbox. Then adjust the Extrude option to brand the object await like a 3D slice of bread. Then rotate object and so that information technology will nigh laid apartment.
  3. ALT+click and drag on 3D bread slice and make several more slices that appear to stack on top on one another.

Create 3D Object with Text Tool

In this instance, we volition create a 3D text.

  1. With the text tool, write some large text on the canvass without a stroke.
    TIP: If you don't add together a stroke to the text, information technology will return will fewer surface pane. This comes into play when you lot want to map artwork onto the object (See below). Also, don't convert text to outline and so that it can be editable at all times. To make it easier to edit the text on the canvas, temporarily switch to the Preview mode (CTRL+Y).
  2. Select Effect > 3D > Extrude and Bevel... from the main carte du jour and set properties equally needed and click OK.

Create a 3D Object with Rotate Effect

Any object that you would like to rotate in 3D infinite (without depth) you can utilize the Rotate Outcome.

Create 3D object with Rotate Upshot

In this instance, we will create the napkins.

  1. Using the rectangle tool, depict a rectangular shape with a very calorie-free grayness fill and a very modest calorie-free grayness stroke (.25px) that is one shade darker than the fill up colour that will represent a napkin.
  2. Select Effect > 3D > Rotate and click on the preview checkbox. Arrange the angle of the napkin and then that it laid almost flat.
  3. Duplicate and move serveral copies of the napkins so the laid on tiptop of one some other but showtime them to see the underlying napkins.
    TIP: After duplicating ane napkin and moving it SLIGHTLY on tiptop of the other, press CTRL+D to step-and-repeat boosted napkins with the same bending merely different location.

Bonus: How  to Map Symbols to 3D Objects

Y'all tin can map whatever symbols to the surfaces of a 3D object in the 3D dialog box.

  1. Employ an existing symbol or create another symbol by creating a shape then pressing the F8 central to convert shape to a movieclip symbol and give information technology a name and click OK.

Bonus: How to create a Transparent Sphere and Box

Get-go we will create some strips nosotros later map to the sphere.

  1. Create a narrow strip using the rectangle tool with a fill colour only no stroke.
  2. ALT+click and draw six additional copies out with hold down the Shift Primal.
  3. Space these strips evenly and change the colour of each.
  4. Select all slices and click on the Shear tool and click and drag at tiptop of selection to shear it.
  5. Select all slices and catechumen them to a symbol (F8) and give it a name of strips.
    ALTERNATIVELY: Y'all could select all of the strips and drag them into the Symbol panel and requite information technology a proper name when prompted and click OK.

Next, nosotros will create a sphere. Annotation, if you attempt to create a circle and then utilise the Extrude and Bevel Effect option, yous will not create a sphere but a cylinder.

  1. Create a lite color sphere  with no stroke past creating a circle and then using the scissors tool and click on the top and bottom anchor points. Then using the Selection tool, cut and delete one-half of it to create a semi-circle..
  2. With the semi-circumvolve still selected, select Result > 3D > Revolve... from the principal menu and click on the preview button.
  3. Click on the Map Art... push button and select the strip from the listing to utilise it to the ball and click on the Scale to Fit button to fit the strip over the entire brawl so click OK.
    Notation: Considering we are using a sphere with no stroke, we only have i surface. Note besides that the dark grey expanse correspond the back side of the object and the white represent the forepart of the object that we can see.
  4. Rotate the sphere so you tin see the elevation axis for a better perspective of the strips.
  5. If the strips are not filled in or they are touching one another, click on the Map Art... button again and stretch the symbol while at the same time await at the brawl on the canvas to run into if it is correct. Adjust accordingly.
  6. To make the sphere transparent, open up the Appearance console and change the Opacity of both the object Fill (ball) and the 3D Revolve (Mapped) to virtually 75%. Y'all may need to click on the arrow next to the Fill to expand information technology so you can encounter the Opacity setting.

Next, nosotros will create a set up of dice.

  1. Create six symbols for each side of the die.
    Notation: If you were using text, you will need to convert the text to outline
  2. Create a perfect square with a little white colour but not stroke. Accept note of the width or height of the foursquare because it volition exist used after.
    TIP: You can create a perfect square by selecting the rectangle tool and clicking without dragging then entering the same value for the width and height into the dialog box and click OK.
  3. Select Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel..  from the main menu and click the preview button and make the extrude length the same every bit the width or height to make a perfect box.
  4. Click the Map Art... button and map each side of the box by clicking on the advance button and map the corresponding sides (Don't worry if yous don't know what sides the symbol goes on)
    Note: You can tell what surface yous are on because it will exist highlighted in cherry-red.
  5. To make the box transparent so that you lot can "see' the hidden faces, we need to plow on the hidden surfaces. To do this, In the 3D Extrude and Bevel dialog box, select the More Option button then select the Show Subconscious Faces checkbox.
  6. Open the Appearance panel and alter the Opacity of both Opacity setting to nearly 75%.

Ungroup and Group Paths Conduct Differently When 3D Effects Are Apllied to Them

Information technology is of import to note that you lot will get dissimilar result depending if a group of paths are grouped or non.

Additional Examples

  1. 3D_Columns
  2. 3D Objects
  3. CountTheWays
  4. Earth
  5. HybridView
  6. TableWith3DObjects
  7. ExplodedView 1
  8. ExplodedView two
  9. blockbuster
  10. chess_pieces
  11. columns
  12. dices
  13. Isometric Edifice
  14. Isometric City
  15. piston
  16. plant
  17. Roman Columns
  18. Bound

Additional Resources:

PathFinder Resource

  • Adobe Illustrator 3D | Courses For All Skill Levels |
  • How to Make 3D Designs in Adobe Illustrator - YouTube
  • How to create 3D objects in Illustrator - Adobe Assist Center
  • 3D Modeling in Adobe Illustrator - Designmodo
  • 50 Excellent Illustrator 3D Tutorials — Neat Mag
  • 40 Useful Adobe Illustrator 3D Tutorials and Techniques - WebFX
  • How to Create a 3D Text Art Effect in Adobe Illustrator - Design Tutsplus

Shape Architect Resource

  • Pathfinder vs Shapebuilder
  • Pathfinder or Shape Builder Tool? | Illustrator CC Tutorial (MUST KNOW!)
  • The Shape Builder and Pathfinder in Illustrator CS6
  • The shape architect tool in Adobe Illustrator CC - Illustrator Advanced Training [8/53]
  • Shape Builder Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
  • How to draw using the Shape Builder tool - Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 [5-6/39]
  • Illustrator Tutorial: Shape Builder Tool (Logo Design Basics)
  • Easy Beginner Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: Building with Shapes
  • Illustrator Tutorial: Shape Builder Tool (Logo Pattern)
  • The Shape Architect Tool | Adobe Illustrator Quick Tips & Tricks #three
  • Larn How To Use the Shape Builder Tool in Adobe Illustrator | Dansky
  • Shape Builder Tool Logo Blueprint In Illustrator
  • How to Use The Shape Builder Tool Within Adobe Illustrator CS6
  • Advanced Shape Architect Workflow in Adobe Illustrator CC

Opacity and Clipping Mask In Illustrator Resources

  • Adobe Illustrator CS6 Tutorial | Opacity Masks | InfiniteSkills
  • Masking in Adobe Illustrator CC
  • Adobe Illustrator: Advanced Opacity Masks
  • How To Use Transparency/Opacity Masks in Illustrator
  • opacity mask illustrator
  • Awesome Opacity Masks in Adobe Illustrator
  • Clipping Mask and Opacity Mask in Illustrator CS6
  • Illustrator Tutorial, Doing Opacity Masks (Layer Masks) In Illustrator

Draw Inside  and Draw Backside As Masks

How to Draw Within an Object/Text in Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator: Draw Inside of Objects - Tutorial

How to describe inside a clipping mask | Adobe Illustrator Quick Tips & Tricks #i

How to use DRAW INSIDE Mode | Illustrator Tutorial (how to Draw a Rose)

Illustrator, Cartoon Inside, Depict Backside, Draw Normal

Illustrator CS5 using Draw Behind and Draw Within Modes

Depict Behind | Illustrator CC Tutorial #184/365


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